Wednesday, April 04, 2007

birthday addendum

in my haste of wanting to get a post done on Casey's actual birthday, i forgot to add a picture of her actual birth day. As i have posted before, her birth was the "easiest" of my 3 births. This was a blessing since Kellen's was so traumatic emotionally and physically it had left me dreading this day. but also a blessing since this was to be my last baby and i truly yearned for a pleasant experience to look back on. and so it was. one funny story of her birth was when she emerged and my wonderful doctor, Dr. Susan Probst (susie :), tried to clamp and cut the umbilical cord, Casey grabbed it with lightening speed and refused to let go! as if to say " no wait! don't cut that !!! i am not ready!!!!" this flustered my unflappable doctor, since Casey needed immediate suction having had meconium prebirth. but finally prying her from the cord she was successfully whisked off to the waiting nurses, cleared of all bad mucus, and given to me and her daddy. so here are a few pics of the event 368 days ago.....

freshly hatched

only a few minutes old and already showing signs that she does not like to be dressed!

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