Tuesday, December 16, 2008

butterscotch on my head

from this...
... to this

* totally unrelated but in the spirit of sharing random facts, i had a dog named butterscotch in high school. a red dobbie i got at the pound. we called her scotch. and that somehow progressed one day to noonan. that totally makes sense right?

xo amy for the butterscotch yarn. it is yummy.


Eva said...

Wow, that was fast! It's so cute and the perfect color.

Scotch...Noonan...This all makes me think of Ronald Reagan.

Anonymous said...

Look at you! Your so stinkin CUTE!

Anonymous said...

No wonder the kids are so photogenic! Look at you! too cute!

gonzomama said...

as in caddyshack?

that hat rocks and the color is so good on you.
what yarn is it?

Bridge said...

your adorable!