Sunday, January 04, 2009

simple goodness

 i try very hard to be mindful.  mindful of the little pieces that make up the whole. in the chaos of life it is easy to slip into bad habits.  today was filled with simple good things. starting with the sun.  it was bright and the temps hovered around freezing, so that meant it was warm.  little wind meant we could get out for a nice walk.  it has been awhile.  even a few days with little ones is TOO long.  we had fun at breakfast with giggles focused on the newspaper and 2 little ones hiding under it.  and fresh flowers brought home with the paper and bagels and coffees.  oh yeah.  oh and strawberries and blueberries with a little honey, my body was in need of fruit! later hubby baked bread.  it has been a long while since that has happened.   his bread is so good.  and the smell alone can be euphoric.  not to say i live on planet bliss. um, no.  frankly i am not sure what is happening lately.  if it is cabin fever or winter blues, but the little ones have been ramping up the hyper. they feed off each other to a fevered pitch at times. we had a wild raucous ride home in the car after picking taylor up at the movies, my ears were ringing and my blood pressure rising. i got in the door and pj's were put on, 1 book read, and  then straight to bed they went.  i felt defeated.  but now here in the still and quiet,  looking back at today's photos, i am reminded that all in all the day was good, really good. even though it ended with more crazy than i would like.

crazy messy beautiful happy sunday.


Bridge said...

i love winter sunday's full of rest, fun, nothing in particular.

mellow...then the mess at the end. the tents in the corners, the writing on the walls.

i have loved these 2 weeks, but will also love tomorrow when only one child will be home in the day.

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

ah yes my teen returns to school tomorrow too. yes lazy sundays are THE best. especially when the sun comes out to play.

renee @ FIMBY said...

so simple. so good. But I too know all about the craziness with little ones. Sometimes it's only when I look back on the photos of the day, in the quiet and dark of the evening, that I really appreciate what a good day it actually was, even though it was messy and crazy.

Thank you for sharing this slice of your life. very real, and very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, sweet and simple.. truly this is bliss! It is great that you "see" it, sometimes I feel as though I am walking through life with my eyes closed!

montague said...

those three photos together at the table, are just so sweet and funny!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hubby did a lovely job with that pic of you and Casey -- I love that one. And your day sounds soooo nice.


Sebrina Wilson said...

Sometimes it's hard to remember the good from the day when there was some bad too. That's why I love photography. It helps to remind me of the good, and thats what I try to focus on.

mrs boo radley said...

Sounds like blessed bliss to me.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for photos! They help to remind us of the good stuff that can be so easily forgotten when we are stuck in the blah box. It's those simple moments caught on camera that take us back to the spot where we need to be. Simple and good.

Your photos are magical!

Amy Bradstreet said...

I agree, if it weren't for the photography some of these moments of goodness in a trying day would be lost. And you know, it's okay to have trying days, you're certainly not alone.

Beautiful photos as always, Kristin.

GailO said...

I just read this beautiful blog after caring for my two grandchildren all day....they were in happy, joyful, playful, get along with each other moods all day...and as they started to tire and get a little cranky..Mom comes and takes them home...being a grandmother is Great!

Love your photos!

Eva said...

Oh, that last shot - What a beautiful photo. It really tugs at my heart strings.

gkgirl said...

you describe it perfectly
in that last line.

even at 9 and 13,
sundays can be like this...
life can be like this...


Amy said...

some days are just like that, but...just look at those kitchen table shots...someday you'll look at those photos and think...hmmm it really was a fun day! happens to me all the time. Mad is my baby and she is 11 my 3 oldest are 25 23 & 20:( time goes by so fast. glad you were able to stay in your jams until noon and knit knit knit this morning!

jk said...

What beautiful photos. Love the snow angels, Sunday paper reading & snuggles!

Rachel said...

Oh how blissful this all looks and sounds. I know, it's an island in the chaos, but it looks so lovely and perminant.. I want to believe it is, if only out of hope for my own. Oh, and I think your hubby needs to have a convo with my hubby. Bread?!?! Really?!?!

Leacayoungart said...

I love those kinds of days. The photos, as always, are amazing. Lovely words, lovely photos....what more could a girl ask for?!

Anonymous said...

Those are my kind of days.. Sometimes I just miss that fresh snow to make a snow angel in.

Anonymous said...

That might be the perfect picture!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the information with us...
Amazing blog..

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