Wednesday, January 14, 2009

sweet somethings

this week i have been participating in curious bird's color week. each day is designated to finding a certain color through photography. today was yellow wednesday. i love yellow. i found a few things around the house to shoot, then i decided i needed some bright yellow primrose with the hot pink centers that i had seen at the grocery store. but when we got there the yellows were all gone. i grabbed a few lemons instead and went about my grocery shopping. i forgot rolls so headed back to the bakery aisle, and there they were. i did not spy them, but kellen sure did. "mommy can we have the little cupcakes?", he asked. i knew which ones he meant right away. they make the sweetest mini cupcakes, perfect for little hands and a sweet little snack. we rolled around the corner to grab a pack and well look what color they were... bright yellow like the sun, with a twist of green and colorful sprinkles.
so we went straight home,  ate lunch, and then enjoyed a sweet little treat together.
tomorrow's color is pink. hmmmmmm what can we eat that is pink?  lol  
and funny thing i never shot the lemons.  cupcakes trump lemons every time.  


Jessica said...

Oh, that cupcake looks so yummy! Yellow is my favorite of all colors.

Sebrina Wilson said...

Yes cupcakes do trump lemons. For pink how about strawberry smoothies?

xo Sebrina

Char said...

yum....cupcakes are so happy and go with yellow so well. pink? lately I've been loving make-up pinks. what I think would be adorable? your daughter trying on mommy's lipstick.

Eva said...

These are such cute pictures! Cupcake always trump lemons! What a fun idea.

ELK said...

indeed ~cupcakes over lemons always!
cute post Kristen

mames said...

man, i want a cupcake now. beautiful to see them so joyful for the yellow

GailO said...

wonderful, inspiring photos!...and I am inspired to eat cupcakes too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the information with us...
Amazing blog..

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