it has been a 'mild' winter, as far as winters go up here, that is undoubtably good. but still it is cold and damp and gray a lot of the time and just LONG. i am ready for green grass and buds, and warmer temps and playing outside and taking long walks and not freezing. it was bound to happen. heck i made it all the way to mid feb before my first gripe. i think that is pretty good... for me. i am sure my lack luster attitude is also in part to my healing that has been less than smooth since surgery. it has been a roller coaster ride of secondary infections and problems with the everyday processes of your body that should be "natural" and mine are so NOT natural these days. to be honest i am worried. i really had no choice but to get all this work done, but now i worry that perhaps i was not fixable. maybe all i need is more time. it has only been 3 weeks, but still i worry. i try and put on the good face, but inside i feel out of control, unwell, and unsure.

so today i look for comfort in the words of a very wise bear... maybe you too need his words.
“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - winnie the pooh
Wonderful words from that very wise bear...
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Hang in there! Great quote for us all to remember.
Sorry to hear you are blue. I am sooo over winter too and have been pretty deep in the dumps myself. You did the right thing with trying to get yourself fixed up. Healing can be hard, but so worth it, even when there are bumps in the road. xo
just a little more time. that's all you need. perhaps spring will come just as you are starting to feel better. hugs.
Right there with you on the griping and worrying today. Be kind and gentle with yourself. Healing takes time. You will be well again. I know it with all my heart.
And your quote - oh my does it bring tears to my eyes.
oh, sweetheart, hang in there! keep an eye on things and definitely call your doctor if you are worried. that said, give your self time to heal. xoxo
one of my very favorite quotes
hope you're resting and taking care of you. did you get the books?
i need to send more - sorry my life has been so crazy that i haven't done more. sending smiles, hugs and warm wishes for mo' bettah healing
You know I feel your winter pain. I really really do.
You know, what you had done was major and it's only been three weeks! Be gentle with yourself, it'll take time to heal. : ) xoxo
I had to laugh because I blogged about the same thing yesterday--I am totally done with winter, over it. It's been a long one!
I hope you are feeling better soon and things are back to normal. Health issues can cause so much stress and worry, big hugs to you!
A very wise bear indeed. Hugs to you.
It has been a long winter. I'm ready for it to be done too. Today, for the first time in months, we were woken up by the sun and actually saw a real sunset (you know, the golden kind--not white through gray clouds) and when we walked out of the restaurant after sunset the sky was royal blue and turquoise. There's hope for spring!!!
Hang in there. Sorry your recovery has been so hard. Can I send you anything? Wish I lived nearby so I could bring you a loaf of bread and have a cup of tea with you! Just know I'm doing it in spirit and hope to do it in person someday!
Hugs to you!!!!
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