Tuesday, July 13, 2010

good times

we just had visitors, a few great days with new friends.
a beautiful mama and her 2 wonderful boys.
west coasters dipping their toes in our east coast ocean.
we jumped waves & watched some ocean fisherman pull in their catches.
on monday one friend celebrated turning six with a first loose tooth, lobster, mussels, local root beer, rides, and chocolate cake. monday also happened to be my momma's birthday as well. {it was not her 6th year, but it had a 6 in it :) }  so she and he shared in the birthday wishing and blowing of candles.  i thought that was kind of cool that they had never met before but shared a very special day.
we found sea glass, heart rocks, bones and shells.
laughed and ran and splashed.
thank you for sharing some special time with us!


Char said...

what a wonderful time!!!

and i love that shot - happy birthday to all

Unknown said...

Sounds heavenly! And as always - perfect shot!

Brooke said...

That sounds like the best kind of birthday ever! And the photo is just amazing!

Tonya Gunn said...

All that yummy food - and that picture is wonderful.

fuquinay said...

Great photos. Wow. Nice.