Friday, July 30, 2010


we have had house guests with us on and off these past 2-3 weeks.
today we hugged and said "see you soon" to 2 of them.
i came in, started laundry & took the leaf out of the dining table and it suddenly looked so small.
my husband hurt his shoulder during these busy times and has been getting little to no relief.
then casey got sick last night after the fireworks, a stomach bug & fever.
tonight the air turned quite cool. i think i smell fall.
i am feeling a little sad.
i wish i could fix an arm, take away a fever, have all my friends live right here, and make summer last.
the fever broke...
the rest i am not doing so great at it seems....

tonight we ate dinner, took a walk around our block, then decided to pile in the car to see the sun set at the point.
the tide was out, the bugs were killing us, but we took a short walk anyway.

the light was so beautiful.
we promised daddy when we left that we would bring him back a treasure. hoping to make him feel a little better. 1 heart shaped rock and pretty feather later, we kept our promise...

happy weekend everyone.


xanthe said...

big hugs kristin, your life is full of light... there is still plenty of summer left : ) i will not hear of fall arriving yet. wishing you a happy weekend x.

DebbieInGeorgia said...

aww hugs Kristin,Hoping everything heals and you have a very nice weekend. 104 today BEFORE the heat index,we are heading to the lake. Canopy in tow so we dont die. If you smell fall can you please send it down. I will be happy to take it so you can have more summer.Ours goes till oct.

Becky Sue said...

I know how you are feeling, after the fabulous summer that we've had it's sad to think it will end. We've still got August!

Gorgeous sunset shots!

Carmen said...

Oh, momma. I hope your spirits lift soon. July was a whirlwind for you, it's true. Hopefully Jason's shoulder will get better so you can enjoy some of those camping trips you were hoping for.

Stunning photos, as always.

Diane Grenkow said...

It IS in the air. Let's figure out how to trade with those lucky ducks in the south. Let's think about how we're not going to go under with winter this year... we need a PLAN...

Char said...

hope all will be better soon


Beth said...

It can hard coming off great, busy, fun visits. The move back to a bit slower life can feel like a favorite sweater, or well broken in shoes. There are plenty of warm days ahead. Cool nights are coming but sleep will be better for them. I hope your hubby's arm mends soon. Glad Casey is feeling better.

Beth said...

Oh, and I wish I had gone with my desire to go to "the point" as well. It would have been a treat to find you and the kids there.