Friday, August 20, 2010

can you feel it?

oh it is here.  do you feel it?  the cool morning air.  the chill at dusk.  the leaves already leaving their lifelines and tumbling to earth.  2 more weeks til school begins here.  fall is in the air.  summer is packing her bags...  it was the sweetest summer.  so warm.  a gift.  i look up in our trees and the change is evident.  colors of reds and golds and browns where only green stood just days ago.  now my head will be tilted up as i watch the show that fall brings.  
happy friday.


Marty said...

I was just thinking this morning that I cannot wait for Autumn to return...sadly, we have about 6 or 8 weeks left before we'll see any changes. I'll live vicariously through your fall thoughts shared on the blog though :-)

Jen at Cabin Fever said...

It was 38 degrees this morning. And you can just feel fall in the air. I love it :)

Cabin Fever in Vermont

blue china studio happy said...

I'm very envious! Although I can detect a faint change in the air here we won't really have fall start until middle of October. ugh

Amanda :: Grace & Gusto said...

I saw my first orange-yellow leaves the other day. I really can't wait for autumn: apple pie, cinnamon and clove, sweaters, gorgeous colors, that intangible feeling.

Love the photo!

DebbieInGeorgia said...

send me some down here will ya still high 90s everyday, my poor AC unit