Wednesday, June 08, 2011

summer days

sweet summer time. it is almost here. signs are more present each day.

* corn on the cob (grilled)
* peach pie
* popsicles
* hose play
* laundry on the line
* strawberries (with stems)
* fireworks
* sunkissed cheeks and shoulders
* bare feet (sandy ones even better)
* picnics
* bruschetta
* wildflowers
* lightning bugs
* frogs
* lazy slow days
* salty skin
* open windows
* tall grasses

hands down my most favorite season. it does help that i live in a cooler climate so i am not suffering in oppressive heat or air conditioned housing...
another summertime shot of mine is happily featured at story bleed today.

what do you love about summer?


barb said...

wish i was sitting with you on that there vintage sheet :) happy summer to you kristin!!

Just in Case.. said...

Sounds great! :)

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

My favorite part would be hanging outside on the patio with friend/family sharing an awesome meal and watching the kids play in the grass. Or maybe the rodeo? or the fourth of july... so many things.

Unknown said...

I think you've pretty much said it all.....smiles

Juanita said...

What do I love most about Summer? The fact that it's not Winter! :)

Carolyn said...

Happy summer to you Kristin!

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Leslie said...

Isn't summer glorious? I can't get enough of it. I love the relaxed schedules and how happy my kids are to be out of school :-)