Monday, November 14, 2011

last bits

last bits by kristin~mainemomma
last bits, a photo by kristin~mainemomma on Flickr.

autumn is coming to a close. everything appears brown and most branches are now bare. today i woke with a horrible back/neck ache. when i re awoke after some meds and heat, jason said it was warm outside. warm to him and warm to me tend to vary greatly. i had a few errands to run, got dressed and headed to the door unsure of which coat to grab, when to my utter surprise the air really was warm. i threw on a scarf and headed out. no coat. wow. the air almost had a balmy feel to it. felt so good on my skin. i even cracked my sun roof a little on my drive. thank you warmth.


Susan said...

those little surprises are so welcomed!

Diane said...

Here too, in Connecticut. My husband called it "oddly warm", but I'll take it.....odd or not. I hold on to each and every warm day I can get.

stacey said...

Oh I'm so happy to have found your blog. :-)

We are enjoying a lovely sunny 48 degree day, which for November in MN is lovely. The cold settles in tomorrow for the rest of the week and probably for good. Or until April.

Enjoy the warmth! I'm off to the park with my littlest to enjoy ours!

Kimberly June said...

What a lovely treat, amazing what a little warmth and sunshine can do for the spirit.

Katariina Fagering said...

I've just stumbled upon your blog via Maddie's course & just wanted to say, thank you for telling your stories, they are warming, nourishing my soul.
