Tuesday, December 27, 2011


today's pallete by kristin~mainemomma
today's pallete, a photo by kristin~mainemomma on Flickr.

several days can pass where we don't make a point of seeing the ocean or beach in the winter. when that happens i can feel myself grow restless. there is something very grounding about a winter beach. the stillness, the quiet, the solitude, the wind, the cold. today we ventured down. it was windy and traces of snow remained on the sand. some times the kids are happy with my excursions, and then other days you can see all they want is to climb back into the warmth of the car. even on those days when our trip is fleeting, i hope something deep inside them feels more centered and balanced by just being there. i know i do. it is such a gift to live near the sea. so wild and beautiful.
hello ocean.


kristen said...

synchronicity...i just wrote about the sea in the winter. xo -ten

sarah w. said...

it's that pisces flowing through your veins. i've never felt more alive and happy when at the beach. happy days!

erin said...

this would be incredible framed.

i love your winter.

sarah jean, said...

i feel the same way.
hence all the beach photos lately.
wouldn't want it any other way!
xo thinking of you & this weekend!
you are amazing!!!!!!!

Leslie said...

Yes, lucky you are to have the beach close by. Hugs to you and those sweet little ones!