Today I am excited to announce the launch of NOW YOU website and a first in a series of self portraiture eCourses co-created with my friend, artist, and fellow photographer Meredith Winn.
NOW mantra: Empowerment through photography can be life changing. It’s through self-portraiture that we learn to look kindly at ourselves. Let your camera guide you. The goal of NOW is inspiration, empowerment, and confidence building through photography.
NOW YOU:: The Beginning is a 6 week introductory e-course that will turn your camera lens inward as we explore the everyday beauty of self portraits. This workshop will be a fun environment in which to safely jump into the world of self portraiture.
Description of class:
- six weeks of online collaboration
- class begins Monday April 23, and ends Friday June 1, 2012
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday prompts delivered to your inbox
- Friday fun! Password protected video from Kristin & Meredith with the weeks overview
- Private flickr group to share your self portrait journey and access our group discussions
- details of you
- roots and wings
- reflections
- whimsy
- at arms length
- eye contact
- camera
- self ~ brave beautiful you.
Be sure to check out our website www.nowyouworkshops.com for more details like who we are, pricing and how to register, details about the e-course, and other faq's.
Class size is limited, so click on over to read more and reserve your spot in class!
Registration open :: March 27- April 22, 2012
Limited class size :: register early to reserve your spot!
The self portrait journey begins :: Monday April 23, 2012
Meredith and I are so very excited to get started...
We hope to see you there!
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