you today
my big boy
a whole 3 years old!
you are so beautiful, bright blue eyes, big blonde curls and a great smile! you are sweet. you love your sisters, but are extra caring and gentle with you baby sister Casey. you hug freely, you thank often, you even share your beloved choo-choos. you are so very smart, always thinking and analyzing everything. you are careful, unsure at times, like i said, always thinking. what you do love, you love loudly. you love... all things Thomas, chocolate, sprinkles, "PURPLE", waving goodbye at the window, playing outside.
you have grown so much this past year.
becoming a big brother.
sleeping in a big bed.
moving to a new home.
all you do, you do intently.
i love to just watch you, listen to you talk, play with you. every day with you is a great day.
happy birthday
Happy birthday, big boy! For mama: Cherish this year - for me, it has been the real transition from baby to little man in so many ways. I miss my sweet little just barely 3yo baby boy.
You truly are BELOVED by all your family Kellen dear...may you have the blessing of a wonderful future...peace to you sweet boy!!
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