Monday, August 13, 2007

sick days and silly play

last night awaken by the alarm AKA Casey at 3 am. go to her she is burning up. her feet are what really strike me. burning little pudgey feet. fevers scare me. don't like them, not welcome here, be gone! not so easy though... if only. give her some tylenol, tlc and back to her crib. she wakes again at 4 am this time i call in the backups, jason. he helps me fumble around and find a thermometer to take an actual reading since she is still a ball of fire. 101 and hour AFTER her medicine. hmpf! now all she wants is to be held, so i do til 6am when kellen wakes to start his day and all i want is to crawl into bed for hours. thankfully i do get an hour while jason gets ready for work. so now what to do with a sick baby girl and her rambuncous big brother? well be BATMAN of course! superheros do not get fevers! and spend the entire day in our pj's why not? where do we have to be? and if we are in our pj's we may as well pile in bed...

the bat twins....

i just love how babies (yes kellen is still a baby to me) sleep with their butts in the air. they are of course pretending to be asleep, hiding from me, but they assume that position. i love it!

all i can do here is sing in my head ... "roll over, roll over, I'm crowded, I'm crowded. so 1 rolled over and 1 fell out and the other one said roll over, roll over..."

my bed bugs

and it seems kellen is finding his courage a bit lately and flying without his cape...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel better precious Casey and GO SUPER BOY GO!!
