Friday, June 27, 2008


off for a weekend adventure to VT. seeing family, celebrating a very big (90) birthday, and meeting a new friend. i am super excited and so are the kids. here's hoping for smooth travel and good weather. do i dare wish for both? i guess i just did. see you all next week. and yes my camera bag is packed and ready to roll. i hope i catch some magic with it this weekend.



Anonymous said...

have fun! my dad used to say "Ta-Ta!" :)

when you get home, you'll have a great surprise, check out shutter sisters Sundays at Home! :)

can't wait to see some photo love from vermont!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog through Shutter Sisters and I'm so happy to have found your delightful site! I'm adding you to my bloglines. Love your posts!

Anonymous said...

Well it's sunday now so I am SURE you have captured a million, zillion amazing shots. Hows the sun in VT?

Anonymous said...

Hi!! Did you go see your surprise yet?! I just came over to ask but I see that Ms. Camera Shy Momma beat me to it!