Friday, December 12, 2008

force of nature

mother nature is a force to be reckoned with today
lovely photos yes
but powerful
scary even
trees can't sustain the weight of the ice and are snapping all around,
power may be gone soon
this is not what i like to see
here we sit waiting it out
hoping with all hope to keep power and stay warm
my mom just called from her cell her power is out
no good news to share, a friend's home was hit by a falling tree.
thoughts for all those affected today
so far we are safe and i am thankful
rise temps rise!  please melt.


Eva said...

This winter mosaic is beautiful!

renee @ FIMBY said...

I've been admiring your collages too long from afar.. how do you make them? Special software? No long answer required just point me in the general direction

Anonymous said...

I MUST get a macro lens...I love your shots! Thanks for being a bright little spot in my day. Love the hat, by the way.

Anonymous said...

So lovely. I know your in the thick of it, but you captured it so well.
Stay warm friend.

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

renee this one i did right in flickr. you have to have flickr premium. the edit section called picnik now has a collage section there so you just choose from your flickr pics and the template you like, they have quite a lot of templates to pick from. or if you do not have flickr premium i used to always do my mosaics at it is free click on the mosaic button and there to you can link directly to flickr, the only thing is they have very few templates and it crops your pic in a square no other choice. that is why i lean toward the picnik ones now since you are not limited to the square crop...

renee @ FIMBY said...

Thank you Kristin for taking the time to give me some tips. As you noticed on flickr I actually pulled one together tonight. You've inspired me *smile*