Thursday, December 04, 2008

winter palette

cool blues
winter greens
slivery frost

this will be the first winter i will actively search out the beauty in winter rather than run fast toward spring.   trying to adjust my eyes to a new color palette.  not an easy thing for a girl who LOVES yellow.  i am guessing i will turn more towards tiny details.  i am finding it harder and harder to shoot.  the obvious grandeur of fall is gone.  the assault of beauty over. i find myself straining. my hope is it will come, that my eyes will adjust just like they do in the dark.  slow to come, but if i am patient, my eyes will adjust and focus again.  


Anonymous said...

Well, as far as yellow, I think you can count on Bayley.

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

lolol true

Anonymous said...

Oh you will, you will and if you ask me, your eyes HAVE already adjusted. Your shots are amazing, always!
I think once you get a nice blanket of white you'll be clicking away faster than ever. Right now we are in teh wet, muddy stage of winter and I am looooonging for some pretty white.

Hey, maybe try some still lifes or something. Love the lip balm pic we used in our dip.

Anonymous said...

You are having such a good winter attitude! Inspiring me to work on mine. It's waffling between rain/freeze/and snow here around and around this morning. *sigh*

Molly said...

yes - your palette has definitely changed. i will miss all those gorgeous fall colors, but looking forward to some cool inspiration. speaking of yellow, i just read yesterday that the color "mimosa" will be THE color for 2009.

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

"mimosa" i lev how they name colors after food! and mmmm that food has vodka! mollly i see a theme there.....

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

oh wait no duh! sorry that is a screwdriver, and i call myself a bartender SHAME ON ME! ok champagne is good too. yes definitely good.

ELK said...

when does the party start? I will have one of each...

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

i think spring !!!

Anonymous said...

i think you've already adjusted. these blues, these winter greens are so pretty. you make them pop. it is a bit like seeing in the dark, squint a little and you will find it! this mosaic is wonderful, makes me want a candy cane.

gkgirl said...

i hear you on this...
i need to force myself
to get out there and look,
to watch,
to see...
i haven't touched my camera
in weeks other than christmas concerts...

and i know you will find
just what you are looking for...
your photos are awesome...
{i'm a huge fan}

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

thanks everyone!!!! xo