comes round once a year without fail, no matter how hard i may try and deny it.
today is my birthday! da da da da da! so happy birthday to me!
another year older
not wiser
just whiter (thanks to my great nanny and her son my pop-pop both white haired at early ages, not gray, whiiiiite)
and wrinklier, saggier. gravity is unkind, oh and i guess my addiction to all things carbs does not aid in these matters.
ever inspired by andrea and her lists, i decided to make my own list of things to do before the next birthday rolls around. some fun. some quirky. some dreams, even a bit wild. some things i used to do a lot, and have somehow forgotten them in the blur of my years. so here goes.
my 37 things to do before i am 38.
1. get a vintage bicycle a little rust would be perfect , complete with a basket to hold something lovely in and ride!
2. see a concert
3. truly learn my settings on my camera maybe even take a class
4. throw a par-tay
5. meet at least 3 flickr friends in person
6. take a train ride with my momma
7. make a solid date night and stick to it
8. complete my very first 365
9. take a photobooth strip
10. start a project that truly GIVES back
11. learn how to play a song on our guitar
12. go roller skating
13. take a dance class~ salsa preferably
14. sew something on a sewing machine
15. knit something from an actual pattern and not a scarf or a hat, meaning learn how to read a pattern
16. have my portrait taken and love it flaws and all
17. win at whack a mole
18. have a girls weekend
19. get some of my photos hung somewhere, coffee shop, gallery, anywhere
20. rewatch my top 5 fave movies (first i need to decide what they are)
21. go to squam in the fall
22. eat steak frites here
23. pic a beautiful tree and shoot it on the first day of each month for 1 year.
24. plant a mini garden with kellen and casey
25. take a DHB shot with susan, jodi, and cynthia
27. make a blurb book out of andie's and my dip project
29. get a beautiful shot of all 3 of my children together, key word being together
30. try not to freak out too much when my eldest learns to drive this year (HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?)
31. teach kellen to swim
32. take the kids camping this year
33. a 52 week playlist project on my blog.
34. see a roller derby
35. go to the polaroid house
36. go to salvation mountain
37. ride the coaster at coney island
*** updated:
38. my "one to grow on"... write 37 love letters to ones i love and 1 letter to myself, then mail them the old fashioned way. (thanks jessica! great one to grow on)
now here is where YOU come in, yes Y O U. leave me 1 thing to do before my next birthday. it will be my "one to grow on", (no skydiving please) and i will choose my favorite one. the person with that idea wins a 5 x 7 of their choosing from my photo stream. ok, so go, go now! leave me your idea in the comments, and i will announce the winner on MONDAY, and it will be added to above list. throughout the year i'll keep ya posted if i get to check any off.
so now to kick off # 33 above, here is the first playlist installment, because its my birthday and i feel like dancin'!!!
Pump it Up - Elvis Costello LOVE the floods and foot action on Elvis in this video and please play it loud!!! :)
Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes
I Will Follow - U2 live @ red rocks. i cannot count how many times i watched this concert on video in high school. A LOT! and probably on beta!!!!!
Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol
Candy's Room - BRUUUUUUUCE my all time fave bruce springsteen song
Try a Little Tenderness - some Otis done by ducky
Orange Crush - R.E.M. -- vivid memories of dancing to this song sang by a college cover band @ penn
Best of You - Foo Fighters. well because dave grohl is HOTT!
Happy birthday Momma! I am officially signing up to be partner to some of those list activities-looks like a weekend in g@#d%! NY (smile)! I fully support the girls' weekend-it is long overdue-at least once a year-mandatory. (We ain't getting any younger) My 1 to grow on for you is to do these things and be good to yourself this year-you deserve it. 3 lovely, loving kids later it's time for you to squeeze some treats in:) xoxo (I'm looking forward to others' suggestions too!)
Hey, I turned 37 on Monday, and made before 38 list too! Happy Birthday to us. You must get a hot stone massage as one of your to do things. It is truly a little bit o' heaven. I like your list. Hope you have a wonderful year!
that's a wonderful list!! Happy Birthday - I hope it is better than all the others put together but not quite as good as the next one will be.
one to grow on? toast the sunset at the Key West waterfront.
Ok I got one for you Kristin. Learn to make homemade soaps. Michaels has tons of stuff to do it with. The kids will love helping and you can give them as presents to people. They are tons of fun to make.Differnet scents,colors and what nots. I know you and the kidos would have so much fun.Happy Birthday to you!!!! I turned 40 last yr and my youngest is just getting ready to learn to drive. Have a great day and pamper yourself!!!!XOXOX
what a great list! have a super year and a wonderful birthday day!
happy birthday! you covered knitting and sewing on your list, but what about crochet? perhaps you need to cover a rock :)
happy, happy birthday!!
and i think #25 will take care of #5 just fine. =) hopefully sometime very soon!
Happy Birthday to you special lady!! I think you are such an inspiration on flickr and I love your creativity!! You are always up to something...
I know you love the beach and live there but I think you should travel to the opposite side of the US and dip your toes in there. :)
I say take a walk barefoot on the beach an a warm summer night at dusk. I know, I'm in a romantic mood I guess.
Happy Happy Birthday! What a super list - will have to do this on my next! Your daughter driving, yep we just passed that milestone, and more than anything it has been such a help. But fear lurks in the back of my mind always.
One to grow on....go skinny dipping!
This is easily something you already do. But just in case you don't:
bake a loaf of whole grain bread and spread your own (made from scratch, and maybe a lil' pectin) jam or apple butter over a slice, still warm from the oven.
And happy happy birthday!
awesome, awesome list....have a great birthday! xxoo
Well, I'll leave you something that my momma did shortly after she turned 37...she had a baby! My little sis, who is almost a teenager. A surprise, she was!
Stopping by to say Happy Birthday and to let you know I love every single photo you have posted!
Love your list and altho I am 20 years older than you a lot of them still sound like fun! My addition would be to go to the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island when you go to ride on the Cyclone! (would have to look up when that happens this year) That would make a fun trip for your girl's weekend and I know there is a photo strip booth there as well! ...and the photo ops there are endless!
happy birthday from a flickr fan and another kristen.
i love les halles and i can actually help with no. 34.
ooh ooh! Go see a music festival somewhere this summer...take the kids if you have to...and if you can't do that, then definitely go to a few county fairs this summer (do it for ME!)
Happy B-day! I'll add to your list: meet up with Pumpkinmama and her kiddos for a mom/kid playdate somewhere. Its a good one because its totally acheivable!
Happy birthday chica!!
This one's a challenge but worth the trouble: see the sun rise over the Atlantic in the morning and then see it set over the Pacific that night. =) Have a great one!!!
Happy Birthday! I think you should grow some of your own food!
Wow, what a list! (I love the tree photo idea, I have plans for that as well.) I can't imagine what you could possibly add to it. Since someone already suggested a massage, I'll say, hmm, going on a special excursion with each kid individually. Happy birthday!
OHHH you guys are rockin' the suggestions!!! keep them coming! so so SOOOOO fun. xo the birthday lady.
How about 38 random acts of kindness ~ Happy Birthday ~ cheers ~ K
Happy Birthday!!! Your list looks great. I can't think of anything to add on...except come to the George Eastman House (http://www.eastmanhouse.org/inc/collections/photography.php) It's photography inspiration at hit's highest!
first, huge happy birthdays.
i have a proposal...how about i meet you at squam and teach you to read a knitting pattern and then you met another flickr friend. is that too familiar?
i think your list is perfect and could only be improved by seconding the idea that you come west. especially if i cannot make it east.
happy day to you, mama!
I loved the list. Now I can't wait for my birthday so I can post a list like that.
My one to grow on would be to get a henna tatto. It's not premanent but when it's put in the right place it can make you feel sexy. Heck, if you really want to be wild you COULD make it permanent. ;)
Happy Birthday!!!!
PS - teenagers learning how to drive really isn't that bad. We're in the process of teaching my brother-in-law. :)
Great list! I bet you'll accomplish them all. My vote for #38 is to buy backyard chickens and enjoy a year's worth of fresh eggs!
Happy Birthday! I absolutely Love your list! I might try to squeeze a few of your things into my next year :) You also have some great suggestions to the list! I don't know how you'll choose just one addition! :) My suggestion is something I've been wanting to/intending to start doing more often... I live so far away from family and many old friends, I want to write and mail letters, real old-fashioned letters and snail mail. We rely on internet and email so often... Cell phones and texting. But the joy of getting a letter in the mail... every now and then a few photos included (and with yours being so lovely)... lasts longer than an email! Plus, it's a nice surprise for people who don't expect to be getting mail from you!
Anyway, hope you have a wonderful day and can't wait to follow you through your list! :) Once again, thanks for the inspiration!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love your list! I'm turning 37 in April and I'm totally going to steal this idea. :)
happiest of birthdays K!
you beat me to the punch; i would have said skydive; that's what i did on my 23rd and oh my god everyone should do it once. amazing how you feel about life after, for at least a week. the high (ha, get it?) you have afterwards- you can do ANYTHING.
okay i digress.. maybe you should get a tattoo? i don't know if you have any already or not. nothing crazy (or maybe yes, crazy?!) maybe the first letters of your lil ones names strung together, or a small little something that reminds you of something and makes you smile everytime you see it.
whatever you do, enjoy it and be sure to take photos along the way ;o)
xox kaitlyn
Love your list!! And yes we will make a book! Hmmm one to grow on?
...how about set up a sexy photoshoot for yourself. Dress to the hilt, tap into your inner sex kitten and go crazy. Then give them to the hubs as a gift.
Hello, I am a fond reader of your blog and also of Andrea's (made my own list of 30) and I think you should watch the sun rise from the shores of Acadia National Park, because it's the first place in the US that the sun hits everyday.
I love these lists. I too want to do the 52 weeks of tunes on my blog too. I start but have never finished.
Happy Happy Birthday! What a perfect Kirsten list! May I add: take a road trip through central New York and come visit me. We'll all go swimming in the lake and hiking the gorges!
Hugs and Kisses!
oh wow maya!!! i am loving that. that is a must do. :) xoxo to all of you. i love that you take the time to stop by and read and comment. thank you SOOOO much.
Hi Kristin,
Am i too late to suggest that you bake once a week for a year for loved ones, for the mail man, the local library etc etc. It is a amazing to see those smiles and generate happiness in people just by mixing eggs and flour etc together )) This my challenge for your year.
Hope this is a very special year.
I think its a good list, here is a suggestion for you, I dont know where about in Maine you are, but my mother in law lives in Richmond with my little sister in law (shes only 13), we havent visited since2004, and she hasnt seen us since my 3 yr old was 9 months. you could Pay it forward (like the film) and do something lovely for her from us. They try not to talk about us cause it makes them cry.
Hi Kristen,
Happy Birthday, and congrats on such an imaginative list! Love the idea of you getting your photos up somewhere, they are so beautiful.
How about skating on a moonlit night with your sweetie.
happy birthday to you kristin! may the next year be full of special "shootable" moments!
well, i think you should take all your beautiful pics and print a book! I'd purchase one... ;o)
happy birthday, kristin...wishing you delight!
perhaps a children's book with images from your exquisite 'love' series?
[p.s. wondering if you would you be willing to sell a print of 'language of love'...stunning.]
It's so hard to suggest goals for someone else! I have two sugestions from my life. One- some sort of spiritual goal. I don't know what you believe or where you are at so I can't suggest something specific...(ideas: reading, prayer, meditation, figuring out what you believe, learn about another religion, giving of time, tallents, money) and Two- finish all (or some) of your projects from years past. I have so many half finished projects around my place!
Happy Birthday!
My suggestion is to go to the J.J. Weekend Market in Bangkok Thailand. It is an beautiful assault on all senses. One of my most favorite places on earth and the place I trace my love of thrifting to.
hAppY BiRtHdAy to you...
hAppY BiRtHdAy to you...
hAppY BiRtHdAy dear kristin...
ohhhh... hAppY BiRtHdAy to YOUUUU!
Happy, happy!
You should... let me see...
Come to Argentina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh julie that would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! i haven't traveled like that since i was a kid maybe i am due. :)
happy happy birthday! wow, there are some great ideas on here.
mine is i think you should write love letters to your favorite people (37 others & yourself would be ideal) and just tell them what you love about them.
hope your birthday was wonderful.
start a book about you. you can write it or scrapbook it. it should hold everything that is dear to you - things you've done you don't feel ready for your children to know (they too need to know we are not perfect so they feel ok when they find out it's not possible for them to be either) - the honest - no nothing left out - you. it's scary to think at the end of your life you might go and no one would know who you really are cause no one truly knows us but ourselves. it would surprise most people the things you'll feel like putting in and all the things you forgot until you start the project. this might be a little heavy for a birthday list but it's always a good time to just get started on it.
Happy Birthday, Kristen!
I was going to suggest a lovely photo book to stock in your shop :)
I love Andie's idea, too ;)
Hope your day was wonderful!
happy birthday beautiful mainemomma, photographer extraordinaire, and my personal flickr inspiration goddess. you are an incredible soul (i can see your soul through your images).
My one to grow on for you is to make me a list of all the things to do and see in and around Portland, Maine (must include several lobster references.) I want to visit Maine and eat lobster until I'm half crustacean...
I feel like a bit of a fraud de-lurking to comment when there is a prize involved.... but I'm a fairly new addict, I mean follower...
Have you ever tried Geocaching?
Its exploring your own back yard, its adventuring with fun friends, its hide and seek, its quality time with children of all ages, its surprise photography opportunities, its connecting with something much bigger, its simplicity....its... its.....
this.... http://www.geocaching.com/
and this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocaching.
Any way... :) Happy Birthday!
a bit late my dear.. .. love everything - you ..
DHB - here we come
Happy happy birthday!
the one to grow on::
this summer, get up early, find a quiet place in your yard( or backyard mountain, or beach), and watch the sun come up.
Happy Birthday!! How come you didn't tell me yesterday?! I hope you are celebrating and eating lots of yummy cake!
happy birthday. love your list. i think #24 will make you very happy. #19 should be no problem - your work is beautiful. wendy
have you updated your list with cross outs? You need to do so and soon with the word DONE boldly written next to the completed tasks. And yay for # 19!!!!!
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