it was a really busy day. the busiest i have had since my surgery. i felt productive and pretty darn good. that is day #2 in a row (yes i am counting. lol) and it came at a good time too. celebration to be made. decorations to construct. cake to bake. a bench monday with
traveling socks to sneak in somewhere, dinner to plan. kiddos to play. i think it was a really nice day for us all. and really, how can a day ever be bad when it involves a chocolate cake with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting,
AND batman & a pink pony atop it? candles were lit and wishes were made. a good day indeed.

The pink pony and Batman are the PERFECT touches...LOVE it!
I still blame you! Little did I know I was already pregnant when I was oohing and ahhing over your photos waiting for the day that I would have a house filled with toddler crafts and just baby love in general. Happy Birthday to the hubby!! Ooooh... someone's birthday is very very soon!!
wonderful photos...happy
The mom video a few posts down really touched my heart. I'm going to send to my wife and sister. I'm glad I found your blog.
So sweet! Lots of love going on there! I'm glad you're having some "feel good" days again. They always do wonders for the spirit!
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