Monday, August 30, 2010

one. last. day.

little one today is your last day of summer vacation.
your last day of being the kindergartner.
tomorrow you will be a first grader.
my belly is all in butterflies for you, but you are all smiles and anticipation.  (that is much better.)  i know you will shine just as you did last year, but i am your momma and you are my tender boy walking into the big world once more.  
for 2 plus months i had you all to myself again.  summer was your season of frogs, boogie boarding, building forts in the yard, pie, finally mastering swinging all on your own, pirates and army guys.  reading comic books and 10 apples up on top.  wearing your cut-off blue jeans, tees, that awesome straw hat you picked out and your toy story flip flops.  you smelled salty and sweaty and your curls are so long.  you wake and play first , eat later.  you fall into bed and sleep almost before your head hits the pillow, while your sister chats your ear off from across the room.  i'd swear you grew 3 inches!  you are gentle and kind and fair and helpful and creative and funny and cute as heck.  :)
i love all these things and millions more about you kellen.  
i know the world is a better place with you in it.  mine is more beautiful each day because of you.
so today lets wake and play, then eat, then play some more, and beach it, maybe nap, and have a special dinner and pie just for you, toasted coconut cream,  your favorite.  
tomorrow i will walk with you hand in hand and kiss you goodbye as you run into your first grade classroom full of joy and excitement...
but today,  today i just want to breathe in today.   xo


Erika said...

Forgive me if I can't read this right now, but I swear I will when I'm not so raw.

Hugs to you.

nic [luzia pimpinella] said...

reading this brought tears to my eyes...

tomorrow will be a big day for you two... wish you all the best.


Marty said...

You brought tears to my eyes...and squeezed my heart with words that echo so much of what I feel as mine started back to school.

Anonymous said...

this got me all teary.
thinking of you both.

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you how much I miss my little boy's know, that smell that is located right in the crook of their neck....that goes away when they grow baby turned 22 on Sunday....and I always kiss him on his neck when he comes over, just in case the smell has crept through the never has....

Anonymous said...


Char said... beautiful

Denise Nicole said...

beautiful words and beautiful photography. :) just discovered your blog, will be following you from now on.

Leslie said...

Such sweet memories! You do such a wonderful job of capturing your kids' lives in photos and in words. I know you'll both do great this eyar!