Friday, August 13, 2010


there is a change in the air already.

makes me want to cuddle up here.

 we need to get here as often as possible. 
all too soon we will be wearing sweaters and mittens here instead of swimsuits. 

looking forward to a weekend at home with my family.
maybe bake a peach pie.  i have never baked a peach pie.
this weekend seems like a good time to try.
hope your weekend is full of things you love.


Jen at Cabin Fever said...

I saw some maples with a hint of orange in their leaves just yesterday. It makes me smile. I love fall.

And boy am I hoping for the beautiful colors we had last year. Lets see which state has the brighter colors this year... Maine or VT?

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

oooh i am worried about our fall this year. last year was amazing but it was such a wet wet summer. this year we have had so little rain and many of the leaves are just browning and falling off. :(
i bet VT wins this year...

gkgirl said...

nothing like trying something new...and the weekend is a great time to try...

best of luck with your pie, i'm sure it will be super yummy...

and love the pics!

Sharon @ Hiking Toward Home said...

I baked my first peach pie this past week and it was wonderful!!! The crust was a mess but oh did it taste good!! Try it out!

wendy said...

the last one reminds me of old home movies!

6512 and growing said...

I hope your pie was luscious enough to take your mind off turning leaves.

Suvarna said...

oh so true, i was surprised to find leaves falling from the trees after being away for just a couple of weeks.
though fall is my favourite season I'm always a little sad when summer ends

Sherrie said...

Love that second shot! That sweet expression and clutching the teddy bear - perfectly captured. :)