Monday, June 06, 2011

2 thumbs up

2 thumbs up by kristin~mainemomma


my first born walked across a big stage and accepted her high school diploma, on a beautifully sunny day, all smiles & 2 thumbs up.

congrats taylor!



ffprncez said...


Lisa Gutierrez said...

What a milestone! Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

OH my! how wonderful.....smiles.

Vanessa said...

Congratulations to her!

Cynthia said...

what a happy photo! congratulations to Taylor!!!

Anonymous said...

Yours is the only blog in my "blog list" that has a graduate, a first born graduate. Me too, I have a first born graduate, no blog. I am going through the most complicated mix of emotions, I think this is harder than birthing them in the first place, it is all so extreme, including the joy. How, oh how, have these last many years sifted like sand through my heart and fingers? In the blink of an eye, no matter how stuck time feels during the challenges, time flies, our babies get their wings and our newly broken hearts (hopefully)form new spaces for new adventures that will surely come. Love the energy you captured exuding from your beautiful daughter as she graduated.