Thursday, June 28, 2012


instant rainbow.  :) by kristin~mainemomma
instant rainbow. :), a photo by kristin~mainemomma on Flickr.
we are winding down color month at shutter sisters. today we chose "rainbow" for a colorful finale of sorts. did you have fun seeking out the colors each day? i hope so. the pool was so beautiful filling up one color at a time. i think that was my favorite part, seeing them all together like that.

so today seek out rainbows with your lens and add them to the owp pool.
tomorrow is "your choice". choose whatever color you liked best. don't forget to tag all your photos with #sscolormonth, for your chance to win the beautiful bag from Epiphanie! we will be announcing the winner soon over at shutter sisters.
thank you for making this month so colorful with us!

today the sun is finally out. after 3 grey rainy days it is a welcome sight. i think we may pack a picnic lunch and head to the park for some much needed fresh air.

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