Sunday, November 25, 2012


325 by kristin~mainemomma
325, a photo by kristin~mainemomma on Flickr.
so grateful for this long holiday weekend.
bellies were stuffed.
a walk with fairies was taken.
bread was baked and eaten.
lots of sunshine was soaked up.
i even finished reading a whole book. ('The Night Circus'.  really enjoyed it.)

below are snippets captured with my ipod of the last few days together.

i am sad to see it end,
but makes me look forward to the even longer break soon to come.

hope your weekend was full of good things too.


Erika said...

All that Pyrex almost as lovely as your Thanksgiving.

Susan said...

Looks like you had a wonderful holiday with your family. The Monday after is always hard...back to school, back to work. I too am looking forward to winter break!