Sunday, November 30, 2008

sunday grateful

* chilly air
* a drive into Portland
* brisk walk to a favorite chowder house
* bread bowls of chowder
* cute lunch dates  :)
* they scarfed the oyster crackers and chomped on lemons (silly kids)
* waved to the man in the lobster suit
* window shopped
* lights and snowflakes and wreathes and ornaments a plenty
* gray winter sky
* horse drawn carriage passed by with jingling sleigh bells
* a man playing violin on the sidewalk, kids danced like no one was watching
* rosy cheeks and noses
* it was so good to get out
* new kid art filling our windows here at home, a christmas tree forrest and snowpeople.
* to top off the afternoon, when we climbed out of the van at home it began to snow.  the first flakes of the season.  nothing accumulated, but to to a 4 yr old who has been anxiously waiting, it was pure magic!  

 today completes joy's  30 days of gratitude project for me.  it was a wonderful project, thank you joy for the invite!  it also gave me the kick in the butt i needed to kick off my own project 365.  so 30 days down,  335 to go.  a photo a day,  with gratitude as the thread throughout.  


Amy said...

Lovely! You are a beautiful soul;) Glad to find your blog!

Leacayoungart said...

It has been fun following the gratitude blogs this month.

ZenCrafter said...

What an entirely perfect day!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Im jealous of your first snow.
Love the pics, they look so festive and bright!

Anonymous said...

335 days to go! i'll be cheering you on from the sidelines kristin :-) xo