Friday, July 02, 2010

picture summer

call me weird,  it is ok you would not be the first, OR the last for that matter,  but wasn't it just me who quit my 365 project?  yep. only to pick up tracy clark's picture summer class?!  all of  july, 31 days straight, a picture a day.  each day tracey supplies the class with a prompt for inspiration to capture the essence of summertime.  i do love me some summertime.  yesterday's prompt was to show in any way we like what summer means to us. for me it means less clothes,  A LOT less.  skin, bare shoulders, freckles, sunkissed & salty (my absolute fave), bare feet,  flowy breathable clothes.  yum.  yeah, i LOVE summer.  living where i do, she is my elusive muse.  blink and you just might miss her altogether.  so cheers to summer! sunny warm sandy salty splashy summer.  oh yes please.


suzanna said...

I entered as well! Love it.

xanthe said...

it's a photo-a-day on your favourite subject! you will love it x.

Anonymous said...

I am doing picture summer too, love your blog

Char said...

you are kicking it so far! yes, I couldn't do a 365. not and work full time. there were just not enough hours and what i was left with bored me to tears.

Personal injury solicitor said...

I can smell the sunshine from it